  • Phone : +91-755-4082784
  • Address : Ayodhya Nagar Bhopal
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Physical Aspect

To develop the physical aspect of the personality of the student's Our main focus is towards organizing games and sports. The school has a trained games teacher. The school has facility of indoor games also and separate room is allotted for organizing them. We have sufficient games material both for indoor and out-door games in our school.

Mental Aspect

Mental aspect is important for the growth and development of the children. Our focus lies on providing sufficient opportunities for using mental facilities like intelligence, creativity, concentration and attention in different activities so as to enable our student to develop their mental status up to the level of satisfaction.

Emotional Aspect

Emotional aspect is also important for developing the personality of the children hence group activities like group discussion, group projects, group assignments etc. Are given for making them emotionally sound. Emotional balance is very important for working in the group. As they would be able to adjust in odd situations.

Education is the KEY to unlock the golden door of FREEDOM