Pooja Convent H. S. School is a well known school of Ayodhya nagar with easy approachability from near by area. The school was started in 1997 and since last 18 years we can say proudly that we are nurturing 800 minds everyday in our large expanded area of 12000 sf. The school is associated with Maya Education Society. We have shown a tremendous growth in last 18 years and we are continuously heading towards it.
Education has always been a corner stone of society. The pillar on which bulwark of human existence rest while the art and science of education may have undergone changes since the time of year, every educationist strives to instil in every student a sense of virtue and wisdom, sensitively to the needs of others, the skills, the attitude and the habits that will help them to explore and excel.
Our motto is to provide ideas tools and resources for helping children to achieve knowledge and live their dreams. It is important that students grow up as independent beings and we are in our school along with team of our teachers will always try to achieve this motto.